Tag Archives: Tumor

Oncologists, Genetic Testing and How To Target Cancer Tumors

Cancer Research is going in an entirely new direction based on genetic testing where tailored treatments can now focus on and cancer and genetic testingtarget specific cancer tumors.

And to demonstrate this, we will review a recent (2014) success story from a young man (23-years) who submitted by faith and determination to the investigative process of genetic testing with tailored drug treatments for cancer cure.

Original story:  Wall Street Journal: March 28, 2016 

In February 2014, after a lengthy struggle with a head-cold, nosebleeds and body fatigue, Evan Johnson, a senior student at the University of North Dakota, decided to visit the Mayo Clinic when he began to have bruises and chest pain.

Genetic testing at the Mayo Clinic discovered an acute form of Myeloid Leukemia; a cancer disease that forms, grows, and can  spread quickly through out the body.

Fortunate for Mr. Johnson, oncologists today are taking new directions with genetic testing to discover ways to make strong  offensive action against cancer.  The doctors know cancer can evolve to resist treatment(s), and they now use these complications as potential advantages to identify alternate cancer targets they can use different drug treatments on, as the cancer changes.

(Related Science)

The medical team working at the Mayo Clinic on Johnson’s case moved quickly in their investigative research to discover several effective treatments to use against the cancer genetic mutations that were pushing his disease.  While his end story is successful, Evan had to endure a failed stem cell transplant, six various  prescribed courses of medical treatment,  four cancer relapses and other life-threatening problems that occurred when treatment went beyond the desired effect.

For Evan’s mother, Carol Johnson:

We truly felt like we were in a war.  We didn’t know where the [cancer] enemy was at any given moment and what means [the cancer] was going to use to attack us next.

After nine months into his cancer treatment, Evan’s leukemia evolved and developed a new mutation, unexpectedly!  The change allowed the cancer to escape the cure of the treatment being administered.  But, the deviation in the cancer gave his oncologists  a new target that was vulnerable to other cancer fighting drugs.  Mr. Johnson’s doctors modified and fine-tuned their treatment for him and managed to defeat the leukemia; which cleared the way for Evan to receive a second, successful stem cell transplant. Consequently, Evan Johnson has been cancer free for more than a year.

Genetic Testing: Cancer Treatment’s
New Direction

Dr. Pashtoon Kasi, an oncologist at the Rochester,Minn.-based Mayo Clinic, is a team-member that assisted in Evan Johnson’s medical care.  Dr. Kasi says the medical team could see the cancer evolution  happen by regular genetic testing, which allowed Mr. Johnson’s treatment to be customized to his particular need.  “Personalization in real time… This is where oncology is headed down the line,” says Dr. Pashtoon Kasi.

According to Dr. Jose Baselga, chief physician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York:

A decade ago, we were shooting in the dark.  If first-line or second-line treatments failed, we either had nothing to do next, or what we did was totally disconnected with the biology of the disease.

With today’s technology cancer patients with advanced forms of the disease can be treated at major health centers, expecting their tumors to be genetic sequenced.  The genetic testing provides a Genetic Testing Targets Cancer Mutationshope in finding a match to the many new drugs that target exactly and stop the cancer mutations that stimulate the cancer’s growth.  Good matches can produce excellent results with dramatic effect at reducing tumors, but “precision drug treatment” is not always a cure.  Sometimes the treatment is thwarted when a tumor evolves.  This forces oncologists to seek the identity of new mutations that can be stopped with effective treatment.

Oncologists, Genetic Testing and New Cancer Treatments: A Game of Whack-a-Mole

The research process of identifying new mutations and matching the next precision drug treatment to stop cancer growth is.. “like a Whack-a-Mole game,” according to Dr. Baselga.  Each attempt to solve the cancer problem is piece-meal resulting only in temporary or minor improvement.  And as new mutations occur, the medical strategy is to find a new treatment (hammer) to hit it with.

But the real challenge to this approach of medical treatment is finding drugs that treat cancer-causing mutations; there just aren’t that many, yet.  For example, a drug found that works on a patient with melanoma might not be successful on a colon-cancer patient, even if they have the same mutation.  And, sometimes a drug that is not yet approved for the type of cancer being treated is suggested based upon DNA tests that match the tumor mutation, which jeopardizes the possibility of compensation for expensive drugs.

Regarding this method of cancer treatment, Dr. Kasi says:

It’s not for every patient or [form of] cancer.  But as we develop more drugs and understand more [treatment] pathways, it would be a reasonable option for a lot of our patients.

Evan Johnson returned to his home after spending 17 months at the Mayo Clinic enduring medical Whack-a-Mole, being released with a good chance of sustained, durable remission of Myeloid Leukemia and the cancer’s genetic mutations.

An account of Evan’s case has been published by Dr. Pashtoon M. Kasi, Mark R. Litzow, Mrinal M. Patnaik, Shahrukh K. Hashmi, and Naseema Gangat in the journal:

Leukema Research Reports (January 2016)


What Are The Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer Development?

Mesothelioma Cancer

One rare form of cancer is called Mesothelioma, a malignant tumor in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and the abdomen, arising from the inhalation of asbestos. Because it is rare many people are unaware of this fatal disease. There are many people who go undiagnosed and die of Mesothelioma.  While there is a growing awareness of asbestos hazards  to health, too many people have not learned about Mesothelioma and therefore do not understand its cause, nature, signs and treatment. Today,  physicians find it difficult to detect Mesothelioma as its symptoms are similar to other lung diseases such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Moreover, it can take many years, decades, for a person exposed to asbestos to develop Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Awareness

Being unaware of Mesothelioma poses higher risks since it deters diagnosis and treatment. A person undergoing treatment must know the different stages of the cancer or the extent of the disease. Chances of recovering from Mesothelioma and the kind of treatment depend on the stage of the illness.

Mesothelioma Staging Systems

There are basically two staging systems used for Pleural Mesothelioma (lungs): TNM system and Brighan system. These staging systems are also used in other kinds of cancers; however, the first is commonly used. There is no established method in determining the stage of the Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer (abdominal) so the TNM system is used.

The Mesothelioma TNM System

There are three variables in the TNM system: tumor, lymph nodes and metastasis. In the earliest stage of Mesothelioma, stage 1 (one), the malignant Mesothelioma cells start to grow and multiply only one layer of the pleura. The pleura is the membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. However, there are some instances wherein the pericardium (membrane that covers the heart) and diaphragm cover are already affected. In this case, the cancer patient is still in stage 1 (one) Mesothelioma.

In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that in this stage, only one side of the body is affected. Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels so there’s a balance between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in the volume of fluid produced causes shortness of breath and chest pain. Other Mesothelioma cancer patients experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray.

Stage 3 (three) Mesothelioma means that the malignant cells have already spread to the chest wall, esophagus and the lymph nodes on one part of the chest. The patient may suffer severe pain near the parts affected. When not treated immediately or when the Mesothelioma patient doesn’t respond well to medication, the cancer may advance to the fourth stage.

Stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma is formidable since at this stage the Mesothelioma cells have penetrated into the bloodstream and other organs in the body like the liver, the bones and the brain. The lymph nodes on the other side of the chest may also be affected by Mesothelioma in stage 4 (four).

The Mesotheloma Brighan System

Brighan staging system, on the other hand, determines whether the Mesothelioma can be surgically removed or not and whether the lymph nodes are affected or not.

Stage 1 (one) Mesothelioma, the lymph nodes are not yet affected and the patient can still recover through surgery.

Stage 2 (two) Mesothelioma, surgery can still be executed but some lymph nodes have already been infiltrated by the cancer cells.

Stage 3 (three) Mesothelioma, the heart and chest wall are already affected; thus, surgery is no longer advisable. The lymph nodes in this stage, however, may or may not be affected.

Stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma, the final stage, cancer cells have already gone to the bloodstream and other parts of the body like the heart, brain, bone and liver. In most cases, a patient who has reached stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma only has four to twenty-four months to live.

Treating Mesothelioma

Treating Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects the serous linings of various internal organs in the human body. Among them, the lungs, heart and the stomach are widely affected.

It is estimated that each year 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed. The patients suffering from this cancerous disease have prior exposure to asbestos, which is considered to be the only known cause of mesothelioma. Mesotheliomic patients are often told of their short survival duration of 6 – 12 months, but doctors specialized in treating malignant mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect more. Though mesothelioma causes immense pain and suffering to the victim, along with short life expectancy, certain treatments have resulted in the successful reduction and removal of the cancerous tumors of mesothelioma.

In this article, we will elaborate on the significant treatments available to patients suffering from the asbestos- related cancer (mesothelioma).

Please be advised that only a professional doctor specializing in cancer can diagnose mesothelioma. It is recommended for patients suffering from the symptoms of mesothelioma, to consult a cancer specialist for a possible treatment. After examining medical reports and asbestos-exposure history, the doctor can announce the preliminary diagnosis. The doctor can also conduct a needle biopsy to finalize the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. For more relevant and latest Mesothelioma Information and diagnosing mesothelioma, check out: http://www.mesorfa.org/

 Additionally, it is noteworthy that the treatment of mesothelioma depends on many factors, including the stage of the cancer, the circulation of the malignant cells, pathology reports determining the nature of the cancer cells and patient’s age and health.

Following are the mesothelioma treatment options available to the patients for treating the cancer:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation or Radiotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Clinical Trails
  • Complementary Therapy
  • Nutrition
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Meditation and Stress Reduction

Treating mesothelioma is not an easy task.

It requires immense pain endurance and patience. Nonetheless, with proper treatment and medications, along with the love and support from the family members and friends, mesothelioma can be controlled.

What kinds of tests for Mesothelioma can the doctor request?

Pleural Mesothelioma is easier to diagnose then Peritoneal Mesothelioma.

There are three (3) useful tests when beginning to diagnose your condition:

With the use of X-rays a photographic image is obtained from low doses of high energy radiation.  High doses of X-rays can be used to treat some cancers and is called radiation therapy.

Continue reading What kinds of tests for Mesothelioma can the doctor request?