Category Archives: Stories & News also provides current news and feature stories regarding activity in the medical field about malignant mesothelioma lung cancer.

Jim Kellogg – potent political force, fundraising legend, one who cares for the worker with mesothelioma symptoms.

Jim Kellogg is a master fundraiser and continues to be the character that defines the political landscape in California among plumbers, pipe-fitters, refrigeration and fire sprinkler organizations.  Jim began many years ago as an apprentice welder working through his local labor union and rose to become the youngest business agent for the union at age 32.  He is a Contra Costa native and is renowned for his skill to sustain the style of old-school handshake politics within California’s political inner circle.  Within the labor politics of California, Jim Kellogg is a serious shaker and mover.  At age 67, Jim’s fundraising skills remain legendary.  He says he gets his popularity among politicians because he is good at raising money!

Jim Kellogg - Contra Costa Central Labor
James W. Kellogg: master fundraiser for mesothelioma treatment

Mr. Kellogg, being tall and sturdy with a folksy manner that feels comfortable and familiar, interacts with white-collar and blue-collar workers equally well.  He simply fits in well because Jim does business on the basis of friendship and loyalty.  The suspicious and confrontational style he observes among contemporary labor leaders is foreign to him.  Jim says: “People don’t do business on a handshake anymore.  Now they have attorneys in the room.”

Instead, Jim Kellogg has leveraged and used his integrity and credibility to earn people’s trust. And by these characteristics, he has been very successful at caring for and serving to the needs of members in California’s labor unions for welders, plumbers, steam and pipe-fitters, and HVAC service technicians. Furthermore, if you’d like to learn more about Advantage Heating & Cooling, you can read this article for further insight.

Jim has devoted his entire adult life to helping workers in the construction trades, doing whatever possible to provide the best working environment and conditions that the particular times would bear for the people he represents.  Mr. Kellogg also works hard to provide care for people who come down with work related illness.  Specifically, some welders, plumbers, steam and pipe-fitters and HVAC service technicians develop mesothelioma because they worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.  He is very concerned for workers who have symptoms of Asbestosis.

Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory medical condition affecting the lungs caused by the inhalation and retention of asbestos fibers.  Workers with asbestosis have a significant increase of risk to get mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body’s internal organs.   Jim Kellogg knows that this is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. These cancer cells can also metastasize (spread) from their original site to other parts of the body.

About 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year, many of these patients being welders, plumbers, steam and pipe-fitters, and HVAC service technicians.

In direct response to this situation upon the people he cares so much about, Jim has collaborated with Jerry Neil Paul who founded the not-for-profit Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.   The foundation was created in 2001 specifically to raise funds with the help of Jim Kellogg to pay for research that is leading to the quickest cure for mesothelioma.  Before the foundation and its research began, this cancer disease had few mesothelioma treatment options, and none provided a cure nor retarded the processes of body health destruction.

But Jim has helped provide the needed money to promote the Foundation’s research for a cure with his well developed business network within California’s construction trade labor unions and his skill to fund raise.  With Jim Kellogg’s support, two successful phases of clinical trials have been completed on Dr. Parkash Gill’s work with Veglin.  Today, the future looks more hopeful for additional improved treatment options available to those workers stricken by malignant mesothelioma cancer.

Using the volunteered expertise of Mr. Kellogg, much has been learned about how to bring mesothelioma treatments to labor union workers.  He continues to volunteer as a strong supporter of education and promotes mesothelioma help to union workers.  For example, the Foundation is very thankful that the Southern California Pipe Trades (SCPT), a part of Jim Kellogg’s business network, continues to make a significant effort to support the research helping to find a cure.  The SCPT donated $410,000.00 in December 2010 to help us prepare for the Phase III Clinical Trials of our research with Veglin that will launch sometime in 2011.  The research team is now ready to launch into the final and critical Phase III trials which will begin when the whole budget, required to cover the 2011 national research project, is obtained.

We all are thankful and applaud the great charitable work of James W. Kellogg.  The world is a better place for everyone because Jim has chosen to make it his life-time career serving and caring for laborers with great generosity, a firm hand-shake, and reliable integrity. applauds the Zadroga Act passing a victory for 911 first responders dying from particulate dust inhalation

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act passes the congress on Christmas Eve 2010.

Before Congress could leave for Christmas break this week, the Senate barely managed to pass a bill giving health benefits to the first responders that worked in the ruins left by the 911 attack, better known as Ground Zero.

While the results of this bill is only half the value Democrats has originally designed it to be, it was passed only because of the mass attention drawn to it in the last week by comedian Jon Stewart.  This bill has been lingering for years in various committees and for all practical purposes appeared dead last week.

Continue reading applauds the Zadroga Act passing a victory for 911 first responders dying from particulate dust inhalation

Mesothelioma Awareness: High-Income National Government Exploits Vulnerable Developing Countries with Asbestos and a Time-Bomb of Deadly Disease.

The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America along with the Canadian Medical Association, the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS), and several other anti-asbestos campaigners are calling on the Quebec Government not to provide loan guarantees to a consortium who intend to restore Canada’s dying asbestos export industry.

Exposure to asbestos has proven since the 1960’s and 70’s to be the leading cause of a specific lung cancer called Mesothelioma.  Diagnosis of having this deadly disease is almost always a painful, death sentence.  For example, as the effects of asbestos on workers from the United Kingdom who were exposed in the 60’s and 70’s continue to manifest,  records show deaths from mesothelioma have increased from 895 in 1990 to 2,249 in 2008.  There is no indication of this declining, and this trend is beginning to be recognized in other high-income nations who used asbestos products including the United States.

Let our voice be heard and we ask you to join us in the call for Social Responsibility by all nations in supporting a ban on asbestos and its export.  (Click the LIKE and SHARE buttons on our web site, and let FaceBook tell-your-friends).

Continue reading Mesothelioma Awareness: High-Income National Government Exploits Vulnerable Developing Countries with Asbestos and a Time-Bomb of Deadly Disease.

The Next Attack on the Neighbors who were near the World Trade Center on 9/11

The Next Attack on Neighbors who were near the World Trade Center on 9/11


All the first responders to the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 as well as the entire population of lower Manhattan and surrounding boroughs who inhaled the dust created by the collapse of those two buildings are at high risk of attack by getting an insidious disease!

The Twin Towers burn on September 11, 2001 from attacks in New York City
Ground Zero: the Twin Towers burn after the attack of 9/11/2001 before the Statue of Liberty

What disease is most associated with extreme exposure to and inhalation of asbestos dust? Mesothelioma Cancer!

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The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11 caused much devastation and loss of life.  Only now is it being revealed that there is a pending second attack to come upon many people with a long-term, painful consequence and continuous devastation.

Mesothelioma is an insidious lung cancer which is frequently found in people who have been exposed to asbestos particle dust.  The risk of getting mesothelioma has significantly increased for the many people who were first responders to the World Trade Center attack of 9/11, as well as the immediate human population occupying lower Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs because they  inhaled the asbestos dust particles created by the collapse of those great, two buildings.

Asbestos is an organic fibrous mineral that has been commonly used for years in construction projects for its fireproofing qualities and as thermal insulation as well as other applications. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were built in 1966 through 1971 when asbestos usage and sales where at their highest.  There is now a growing body of evidence with estimates that the World Trade Center construction project called for the use of 5,000 tons of asbestos fireproofing-materials. Fortunately, the contractors for building the Twin Towers project discontinued use of asbestos-containing insulation when they came to know about the hazards and health risks of asbestos.  The understanding about asbestos and how it causes mesothelioma was just beginning. As this realization occurred, the contractors had completed only 64 of the 110-stories in the two towers. While a portion of the asbestos material scheduled to be put into the buildings was stopped, current estimates are that 2,000 tons of asbestos remained within the buildings that became a giant particle dust cloud covering the neighborhood at the time of the 9/11 attack.

When destroyed or disturbed, asbestos becomes a problem in that its fibers become airborne where they are easily inhaled or ingested. The microscopic asbestos fibers are sharp and needle-like which penetrate the body’s soft tissues. The pleural cavity with the lungs is especially vulnerable with its special membrane called the mesothelium.  The mesothelium protects the lungs, heart and abdominal area. But the carcinogenic characteristic of asbestos frequently leads to malignant mesothelioma and other diseases.

All eye witness accounts seen on television and by everyone who was near the World Trade Center when the towers collapsed knows, there were giant, thick clouds of pollution and debris covering the lower end of Manhattan. The location where the two towers stood is now called Ground Zero and was covered by particle dust and debris. There are estimates set at 600,000 as the number of people exposed to the cloud of asbestos contaminants. In addition to the asbestos contaminants, there was heavy metal in the dust like mercury, zinc, lead and barium. These dust particles remained in the air and on surfaces for weeks after this tragic event for everyone to inhale and be exposed to. It was discovered that a shirt worn by a response worker at Ground Zero had 93,000 times more asbestos stuck in it than found in the average air concentration of major cities.

The people who escaped the collapsing buildings and the first responders who rushed toward the fallen buildings in a valiant attempt to help others have received a high level of exposure to asbestos.  Some of the first responders who were summoned to the scene were equipped with respirators and protective clothing, such as the many firefighters.

Rescue Helpers: A New York City fireman calls for 10 more
This fireman sucks in a lot of dangerous dust in his effort to lead more help.

However, the majority of people near this event did not have any protection from asbestos inhalation.  This includes onlookers, police, health-care providers, volunteers, employees for the many companies who occupied the World Trade Center and of course all the people in businesses near the attack site who attempted to escape the catastrophe.  Imagine running and breathing in that contaminated dust with every effort made to escape with your life!

Repeated exposure or high levels of exposure to asbestos has been proven to be directly associated with mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma has a delayed latency period before it reveals itself and therefore afflicted people do not exhibit mesothelioma symptoms for years, sometimes decades after their exposure to asbestos. This is very troublesome for everyone near the Twin Towers at the time of the attack that got exposed to the dust cloud.

People can live with mesothelioma cancer and have no clue until a diagnosis is eventually made which could be 40 or more years after inhaling the asbestos fibers.  There is no way at this time to know exactly how many of the responders, rescue personnel and bystanders contracted mesothelioma because the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11 is so recent.

Mesothelioma cancer can be seen in this x-ray image of a chest in both sides.
Many first responders and people living in the neighborhood of Ground Zero will eventually have Mesothelioma like this image.

Many of the symptoms for mesothelioma are difficult to distinguish from other, more common lung ailments.  These include difficult breathing, wheezing or coughing, and chest pain only to mention a few key symptoms.  Therefore, the estimated number of 9/11 victims suffering with mesothelioma can only be speculative at this time. There are recent statistics concerning the health problems of those who were near or at Ground Zero during the terrorist attacks.

For example, in 2008 the New York State Department of Health estimated that 200 people died from exposure to the pollutants at Ground Zero. At least 55 of those cases were victims of lung cancer. As many as 62 percent of the people exposed to the contaminant filled dust cloud have reported experiencing respiratory problems created from the 9/11 attacks.

People diagnosed with mesothelioma have a few options for treatment, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and palliative care. The sooner mesothelioma is diagnosed, better are the chances for treatment to effectively stop the disease.  If you or someone you know was at the Twin Towers scene during the attacks or within weeks thereafter, please encourage them to become mesothelioma aware and have a doctor immediately screen them for this insidious, deadly cancer.

You will find much more information regarding mesothelioma, the history of asbestos, and a list of existing therapies as well as new clinical trials for new treatments at our central web site: Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America –

Ask Dr. Gill about mesothelioma cancer treatment
Dr. Parkash S. Gill, MD, Oncologist

Our clinical oncologist and lead research director will freely answer your questions, too.

Ask Dr. Gill about mesothelioma and his upcoming Phase III clinical trial of Veglin, a non-chemotherapy treatment.  Just click on his Ask Dr. Gill link to send your question, now!

A week to recognize valuable Allied Health Professionals who provide patient care to those with mesothelioma

National Allied Health Professionals Week starts November 7th with the purpose of raising public awareness and appreciation for the health care professions in the industry who are not doctors and nurses.  These dedicated individuals assist physicians and other members of your health care team in the professional delivery of your patient care services.  Allied health professionals also provide support in the prevention, identification and treatment of diseases such as mesothelioma.  There has been a multitude of people exposed to asbestos which is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a complex and rare disease.  And now there is an immediate need for a many more allied health professionals to provide appropriate levels of support to a rising population of mesothelioma patients.

Continue reading A week to recognize valuable Allied Health Professionals who provide patient care to those with mesothelioma