California Pipetrades Aim to Cure – Birdslanding, California

June 7, 2019

The 2019 “California Pipetrades Aim to Cure” mesothelioma clayshoot, hosted by Foundation Board Member and Retired International Pipetrades Representative, Jim Kellogg, kicked off a great year of fundraising, netting approximately $60,000 for mesothelioma research! We witnessed a huge turnout of over 170 shooters and supporters at the Birdslanding Hunting Preserve and Sporting Clay Facility. Representing the Foundation at the event were Board Member’s Jim Kellogg and attorney Jerry Neil Paul, as well as Assistant Executive Director Shane Rucker.

Foundation Board Member, Retired International Pipetrades Representative and event host, Jim Kellogg with Board Member and Attorney Jerry Neil Paul, speaking to supporters on the importance of staying involved.

After everyone had taken their best shot at the sporting clays, Birdslanding provide a delicious tri-tip lunch before Jim Kellogg thanked everyone who attended and highlighted how important it is to stay involved. Jerry Neil Paul was then introduced, who thanked Jim Kellogg and the Executive Director of the California State Pipetrades, Gregg Partch, for organizing and hosting such a great event year after year. Jerry then informed the supporters of how the proceeds of the event would go towards the continued research and development of new mesothelioma treatment options. He also noted the fantastic news of the discussions between Dr. Parkash Gill and other University cancer treatment facilities in working together to expand the use of treatment of PD-1 and EphB-4 along with USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. The mic was handed over to Trial Attorney Joshua Paul for the always popular raffle and his masterful and comical performance generated laughs and more donations for the Foundation!

Heat and Frost Insulators Local 16 Business Manager, Mel Breshears with the Foundation’s founding Board Member, Jerry Neil Paul before heading out to participate in the 2019 California State Pipetrades Aim to Cure Mesothelioma Clayshoot.

With the Foundation’s administrative costs underwritten by the Paul Law Firm, 100% of the event’s net proceeds will go towards mesothelioma cancer research. With these sizable donations we can be assured that Dr. Gill’s research and clinical trials for better treatment options continue moving in the right direction.

We want to wish Gregg a very happy retirement and look forward to continuing our work with newly promoted Executive Director of the California State Pipetrades Council, Mike Layton. Mike is a longtime friend of the Foundation, serving as the Southern California Pipetrades District Council 16 for the last 10 years and hosting many of the Foundation’s events. Thank you to all who participated and make our events possible!