Tag Archives: Health

How Mesothelioma Might Impact Long Term Health

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

While it might seem that a diagnosis is the most important part of mesothelioma and handling your health, this is far from the case. The diagnosis is merely the starting point from which you need to begin treatment. And though your health might be something you consider to be priceless, it is also something which can be very expensive when it comes to managing mesothelioma. This is why those with mesothelioma seek legal restitution for their injuries. Though your initial diagnosis can be traumatic, the bills which come from your long term care can be catastrophic without the financial help you deserve from an employer.

Mesothelioma is a Cancer

malignant mesothelioma xrayAs one of the rarest forms of cancer, mesothelioma is a condition which impacts not only the lungs, but the entire body as well. A cancer is a condition in which cells are damaged at the DNA level and then when they replicate, the cells are then damaged, causing pain, illness, and tumors. If the cells can be destroyed via radiation, chemotherapy, or other treatments, the cancer can be cured. But as mesothelioma tends to spread in the body before it is detected, it can be difficult to cure this cancer without using a combination of treatments, all of which may not completely remove the cancer from the body.

Radiation and Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma

In order to stop the spread of mesothelioma in the body, most doctors will prescribe radiation and chemotherapy treatments. While these can be wildly successful, they can also be very difficult to manage in some patients. As every patient is different and every cancer is different, you may find that your mesothelioma doesn’t respond to one treatment, but does respond to another – and of course that is the treatment which is not covered by your insurance policy. Each radiation and chemotherapy treatment can cost thousands of dollars and they need to be given regularly in order to provide the results you and your mesothelioma need.

Surgery and Combination Treatments

Sometimes, the only thing which can be done to help mesothelioma is to remove the tumors which are spreading in the body. This is painful, extensive, and possibly even debilitating if there are enough tumors which need to be removed. With the proper financial compensation for mesothelioma, you will be able to not only pay for the surgeries and their related costs, but you will also be able to pay for the pre- and post- care needs. You will be able to also have follow-up surgeries if the mesothelioma proves to be difficult to manage.

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Mesothelioma Day: the September 26th Resolution

Mesothelimoa Day — September 26, 2010

This year, MesoRFA produced a resolution for the nation and officially launched a campaign to raise national public awareness about mesothelioma cancer and the need of more financial support to fund the research for a cure.  There is so much more research to be completed and comparatively little support from the Government specifically for treatments and a cure to mesothelioma.  There just is not enough public awareness to get the Government’s focus on this issue.

Let us show you the numbers that highlight the urgent need to raise more money for mesothelioma research, which is the sole purpose of the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.

Join with us to help make your city government aware of Mesothelioma with its declaration in support of this special day.  You can facilitate this movement and make September 26, 2011 the greatest awareness day.   Here’s how: MesoRFA Resolution for Mesothelioma Awareness Day