Useful Mesothelioma Information To Know

Mesothelioma is a rare form tumor cancer.  It refers to the cancerous tumor which primarily involves the mesothelial cells of the human organs, usually abdominal organs or lungs. Since most mesothelioma cancer cases are unsuccessful, it is just important to know some mesothelioma information to make sure you are not afflicted with this threatening disease.

Pleural mesothelioma is the common type of mesothelioma disease . This mesothelioma cancer strikes the pleura which is the membrane between the lungs and the chest cavity.  A lubricated surface to prevent the lungs from chaffing against the chest walls is provided by the membrane.  So, a pleural mesothelioma attack is also known as lung cancer.

Another form of mesothelioma cancer that frequently occurs is called  peritoneal mesothelioma. This cancer afflicts the peritoneum membrane which  encloses the abdomen organs.  Although peritoneal mesothelioma does not  occur as commonly as Pleural mesothelioma, it does tends to be more threatening and invasive.  Therefore, this may result in a shorter life period for the patient.

Mesothelioma Information – Brief History

Where does mesothelioma come from?  This is the most common question asked by persons diagnosed with mesothelioma.  The most common short  answer: exposure to airborne asbestos particles.  When a person is diagnosed this disease,  the cancer’s onset is usually found to be related to a history of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a mineral, mined and used for many decades as a main thermal insulation material.  Since the 1920’s, it has been widely known that asbestos is a carcinogen, which can cause cancer. Still, asbestos continued to be used in many products until the early part of 1970, and consequently is found currently in many buildings today.60,000 die of asbestos mesothelioma

A unique feature of various asbestos caused diseases is that they have a long latency period.  In other words, from the day of exposure to asbestos fibers and breathing the asbestos dust and the noticeable onset of the cancerous disease can take many years.  A common latency period for mesothelioma cancer can be 20 to 50 years, and sometimes more time.  Therefore, a person can be exposed to asbestos many years ago and only now begin to show the development and signs of mesothelioma.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma

With mesothelioma, the signs and symptoms for this cancer can be very general, and unfortunately doctors have misdiagnosed and often neglected and ignored the signs.  In many cases, the signs and symptoms for this cancer type arise between 2 and 3 months before the cancer is fully diagnosed.

Making decisions about what to do with mesothelioma cancer is greatly dependent upon which stage the tumor is at upon discovery.  When you have an early diagnosis of mesothelioma than surgical intervention can sometimes prolong life expectancy.  Depending on the patient’s physical condition and age, the option for surgery may not be possible.  In addition to the option for surgery, then chemotherapy and radiation treatment may be useful in the treatment of mesothelioma.  Finally, home care and pain reduction options are common alternatives and considerations during the later stages of mesothelioma cancer before death.

Where To Go After A Diagnosis with Mesothelioma?

When a person has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it becomes most important to understand and know the medical treatment options available for the patient.  Always contact and ask questions with an oncologist, or at least your personal doctor so they can provide you with information about mesothelioma as well as some treatment options to choose from.

If you need to speak with an oncologist, Dr. Gill with the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America welcomes your questions and will gladly provide answers for free.  Simply click on this link and use this contact form to send the doctor your concern.